
Before you travel back to the 1800s, you'll need to know a little more about the time period you'll be experiencing. Take a look at the following websites to prepare for your journey:


       Native American History

       Cherokee Culture

       Trail of Tears




Now that you're familiar with the forced Native American migration of the 1800s, it's time for your trip to begin! Safe travels, and good luck!  


Task 1

For your first task, you are an 11-year-old Cherokee child traveling along the Trail of Tears with your parents and baby sister. Write a journal entry about your experience that is at least one page long. You may choose to use the following questions as a guide: 


  • Are you traveling by boat or on foot?
  • What are your days like on the Trail?
  • Are you scared? Why or why not?
  • How has your life changed as a result of the migration?  

Please read the accounts on the following websites to help guide your own journal entry:


The Human Meaning of Removal

One Account of the Trail of Tears


Please type your journal entry in this word document. Place it in the "X" drive under "Trail of Tears: Journal". Remember: Don't forget to add a title!



Task 2
For your second task, you and a partner will work together to create a digital photo story about the Native American migration.  Your group's photo story must at least three minutes long and include the following: (This will need to be created in Windows Movie Maker. Instructions can be found Here
1. At least one map.

2. At least five images or illustrations.
3. Discussion of at least three changes that occurred in Native American societies as a result of the migration/expansion.
Use the information you have learned so far as well as the following websites to create your photo story:
        The Cherokee Trail of Tears
        Cherokee Nation
        Interactive Map
        Museum of the Cherokee Indian
        Trail of Tears